So much as been going on. God is so good to me. I have been busy making junk journals, praying, reading and of course writing in my journal. It is wonderful to be so free.
Time marches on and events come and go. My feet are still swollen but not as bad as they were. I have been rubbing coconut oil and lavender on them at night. I also changed up my diet. My weight as never been a problem until I turned 60 and that is when I packed the pounds on. It is time to get serious about taking it off. It is time to stop sitting and start moving more. With the help of God, I pray I can continue to think healthy. I just need to pray about it with great faith and love Jesus more.
My sweet friend and neighbor is going to look into walking the track at the high school.
When I got home from church yesterday.morning, I thought about brokenness. I created my own different thoughts and words for different things in life from childhood until this amazing time of aging. I have associated broken glass with brokenness over the years. Sometimes, I have felt like I had to walk on the broken glass to please others. I have changed that pattern over the last few years. I no longer want to label myself as broken. My sweet Jesus has mended each broken spot with blessings. I am blessed beyond measure.
Sorry, I haven't been as faithful with my blog, but I have busy. I want the blog to be a blessing to the reader and to myself. It is just an extension of my love for sharing and writing. I have lots of tugs on my heart strings and I need to address each one to satisfy my inner self. I may not post daily until I overcome the tugs.
Please help me pray for a young man that has made some poor choices and is waiting to come to a program through my church for young men with addiction bondage. My heart wants him to enter this this program and become the man of God called him to be. Names and details, God knows. Just pray for this soul and purpose in life. It is my desire to pray more and trust Jesus to lead me.
The promises have been amazing and sometimes brought me to tears.
If you delight in My word, you will be fruitful and prosperous. Psalm 1: 1-3
If you make your home in Me, then no evil will come your way. Psalm 91: 9-10
God's word is all powerful and comes to me as a gift each day.
I love you all, but it is time to go and God have his way with me. Be kind and loving to each other and do everything as you would do it to the Lord.
Love is in the ink!
Love is in my heart!
Love, Mary Kay
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