Saturday, February 17, 2018

Day 4 of 40

Good Evening! 

Another gloomy day outside, but my heart is full of sunshine.   I love the challenge and I must admit, I have spent most of my day in the word, writing in my journal and looking things up.  What a blessing this day has been.  It is 6 pm and I just cleaned up the kitchen and put my pajamas on. 

Day 4
The prompt for today is:  If you want to see God move, make a move.   Sometimes the circumstances I want removed are the very circumstances I need.  I will prayerful seek God for the future moves I need to make. In the past, I have moved to fast and didn't seek Him.  I know I need to make changes and I want to make sure I allow God the space and time to make those changes. 

Read John 9: 1-5.  I love this explanation of why the man was born blind.  It was nothing his parents did or even what he did.  God wanted to display His work.  A lesson of praying away and praying through was another great lesson.  I believe my prayers have all resulted in praying through concerning my children and other relationships that haven't always been perfect.  Although many times, I wanted events to just go away and never return.  My eyes see things so differently now that I am a little older.  I desire to live under God's will.  Most of my responses are slower now. 

John has been in bed most of the day.  He does that often. He doesn't like the gloom.  He is an outdoor sort of guy.  He also likes to have a project to keep himself busy.  He has some issues with his skin and itches.  It drives him crazy.  Yesterday. when we went to the VA, he was given the ok to see a dermatologist.  He takes a lot of medicine and that doesn't help either.  When it is nice outside, he likes to walk.  I need to go with him.  He also had two shots yesterday and his arm hurts.  He keeps the vaporizer on in the bedroom  and that helps his skin issue.  I am praying for a complete healing for him. 

The winter has been long this year and so cold. 

This is a great scripture to pray and I am pleased to share it with you. 

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God.  Romans 12:2

The promise for today is:  I will heal your broken heart and mend all your wounds.  
                                                                           Psalm 147: 3

I have a broken heart because I don't see my grandchildren.  I also have faith that somehow my Lord will answer that prayer.  Sometimes, I see Him with the broken piece and I hear Him say,"... not yet." 
I serve a Mighty God and He loves and adores His children.  Thank you for stopping by.  Join me in learning to love the way Jesus loves.  I am praying for you to find peace and understanding. 

God willing, I will be hear tomorrow. 

Love is in the ink. 
Love, Mary Kay

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