Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Pasture Dreaming

Good Morning!

Crazy sleep patterns in my life.  It is 3:48 am and I have been up for an hour or so.  So many wonderful things flood my mind and I don't want to miss any of them.  :)  I will diffidently take a nap today.  I have a busy week planned and I am excited about accomplishing it.  I am also drawn to reading the book from the Aglow speaker.  I have several books to read now.  This morning, I have a Bible study to go to in the neighborhood.  It is a study on the book of  Job.

The word study today is:  Authority 

Authority according to Merriam-Webster is power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior.  

The verse connected to the word is Luke 9: 1-2.  When Jesus had called the Twelve together he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.  

I need to remember to take authority over events that go on right around me.  I do not agree with the voice of the left and I take what I read and and send it into the pits of hell.  I have authority to change the events in my life.  God has been so good to me.  I have had several people tell me lately that I look great and they remember something great I was involved in years ago.  That is God sending me some encouragement. He fills me so I can help others.  Thank you, Jesus for all you do for me.

Keep John in your prayers.  He just can't seem to find his strength to get up and walk into the day with a better attitude.  I think some of it is his medicine. He has been short of breath and his blood pressure goes from 170 to 121 in a matter of days.   I made him an appointment with the heart doctor.  Maybe they can take him off some of his meds.  It will be a year the end of this month since he started having heart issues.  His heart doctor is great, but his family doctor is getting on my nerves.

You might not find me posting everyday from not on.  My plate is full and I need time to be with my people.  I also need to let the ink flow on my book.  I also do my paper version of my journal and lately that hasn't had the ink flow, I am wanting.

The promise for the day is:
Because of Jesus, you are free from condemnation.   Romans 8:1

Blessing to you today.  May you walk along the still water and rest in the pasture.  Enjoy what God has created for you.  My ink flows with love.

Love, Mary Kay

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