Friday, October 13, 2017

Lucile with one "L"


This is the end of a great but busy day. I had the car serviced, went shopping, to the grocery store and home.  It did not take me long to find a spot to take a nap.  My mother loved her naps and so do I.  Naps are good for my people my age. It might mess up a nights sleep, but it really doesn't matter at my age.  I never toss and turn.  I get up and clean, wash clothes and write.  :)  Crazy!

I continue to think about writing letters to those that have went to heaven before me and I never said, "good bye." to.  Lucile wrote on my heart with her stories about her parents and growing up in a home  with deaf parents.  Lucile worked at the Wisconsin School for the deaf ; all of her working years.  She had long fingers and a gentle spirit.  I loved Lucile.  Her husband died suddenly and she needed someone to take her for her cancer treatments in San Antonio.  I was that someone.  I did it because I  loved being with her and she encouraged me in my education.  I went to my parents the night  Lucile drew her last breathe.  I missed saying, "Good bye."    I have so much to share, yet the space and time is limited.

Dear Lucile,

Can you believe it is 2017?  I guess you don't have a concern about time in heaven.  I have this feeling it will not be long and I will join you.  I am excited about that thought.  Maybe we can be neighbors in the great mansion.  Does God let you help prepare my room?  Can you visit me tonight?  Are you standing over my shoulder reading this?  I pray you are and will be shining with glory and  joy because I have called your name.  I am starting to understand this death thing better.  I like what I know but I can't wait to see with my new eyes and write with a new ink.

Your in my thoughts often.  When I see someone with beautiful hands, I think about you.  A lady at my church signs along with songs and I am amazed at the beauty.

We had some wonderful times together.  Coffee at the Bowling Alley was a highlight of many days for me.  June and Hershel still comment about the good times we had.  My journey with Christ started with you and I still remember our conversations.  I have your red Bible and I need to start using it now and then. My Bible is marked and I can always find what I need.  It is getting tattered. 

Have you been spending time with your mom and dad?  I remember you telling me how much you loved them.  I imagine they speak now.  Do you still sign in heaven?  The week before your death, you told me your mom would come and get you.  Did she?  Have you seen my mother?  It will not be long and we will all be together again soon.  I heard Kent died and several of your friends from your church.  I can only imagine!

I have been asking God to show me angels.  I know you have wings.  Could you visit me someday soon?

Love is in the ink.
Mary Kay 

I loved Lucile.  I know you would have too.  Friendships are treasures from God.  If you have a special friend, call him or  her today and leave a message of love.

I need to leave you for now.  Have a blessed day!  Make Jesus, your best friend.  You will never regret it.

Love, Mary Kay

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