Thursday, October 5, 2017

October 5, 2017


I am back!  The last couple of days have been beyond words.  Let's just say, the kitchen is almost painted and the rest is up to me.  Actually, I want to cry.  So much to do!  The painters were suppose to come Monday.  They came to the door on Tuesday and said, they would not be able to come until Wednesday.  Wednesday came and no painters.  I called and they thought they said, Thursday.  It has been a circus.  I know God was testing my patience.  I pray, I have gloried Him in the midst of it.  Needless to say, it was like having two bulls in the kitchen the last couple of days.  The ceiling looks good and that is what I knew I could not do.  I will now attempt to do the woodwork myself in the next week or so.  I am thankful that the table is back in the kitchen and I can blog tonight.  I am so thankful this day came to an end.

While the painters were here, I spent lots of time reading all the posts and thinking about the Las Vegas murders.  Lots of questions that have not been answered.  It reminds me a lot like Benghazi in many ways.  Cowards!  Evil lives among us. The bodies were not delivered to the ER and the left started talking about gun control.  I pray people will see that this is not right. God wants His people to have compassion.   Trump might have his faults but he is not evil.  He cares about the people in America and wants to help them.  His voters continue to stand with him and support him.   He is attacked daily by the media, left and even the NFL.  Talking about the NFL it came out that 700 plus players are felons.  I am boycotting them.  The Packer's always gave me a feeling of pride until Aaron Rodger's spoke against Trump.  I don't have to watch them or buy t-shirts or Packer stuff.  I will not anymore.  They will not stand for my country and flag.  I  will not stand for them.  Morals and values are so forgotten, yet they hold great value.

Most of my relatives are liberals.  The first part of November we have been warned of an attack.  I guess if some of my hard core liberals are told to kill and destroy, I might be on their list.  No fear, I look forward to heaven.  My God will not leave me or forsake me.

Not much about the pasture tonight. Oh, wait.  I told you about what is going on in my pasture.  :)

The promise for today is:  You are My workmanship, created in Christ to do My good works.  
                 Ephesians 2:10 

Rest well my friends,  Find a sweet spot under the wing of an angel.
Love is in the ink.

Mary Kay

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