Welcome back to the pasture. The pasture and my porch have so much in common. They united and became one. Yesterday, was wonderful and I came home with a new understanding and wealth of excitement. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings and what God has planned for me. I want to walk on water , ride in the boat, and walk through the water on dry ground with Him. I am so excited. This morning, I started a new self study in the book of Ephesians. I visited Ephesus once. A city of ruins! Just as I started to read the first chapter, I heard God speak to my soul. Ruins are a sign of things not taken care of. That is exactly what I see all around me in America. If you over graze in a pasture, nothing grows. The sheep run out of food. We need the great Shepherd and lush beautiful green pastures. We need to learn to take care of the blessings God gives us.
I have more time to study now. I will not be watching football. My heart is saddened at the disrespect some have for our president, flag and national anthem. I continue to believe that evil will destroy evil and God will come back for those have stayed loyal. I am the righteousness of Christ and I will stand on His love and word. The message, I want to leave with you today is one of hope. If you need help knowing Christ or coming back to Him, I will gladly pray or help you where I can. Stand up for Christ and kneel in prayer. I will not hide or surround myself with darkness.
The word for today is: Stronghold. According to Merriam-Webster it is a fortified place. Often a place of security or survival. My definition is just a look at the two words that make one. I often think of it in a negative form. Being so stubborn that the hold seems unbreakable. Why was that word planted in me in such a negative form? Then, I remember, with God all things are possible. Maybe it is time for me to think of it more positive. I desire to take a strong hold of the positive view of life with Christ. A shepherd and the sheep must of had a strong hold on believing God will and would take care of them. Christ is my fortress. The scripture paired with stronghold is:
My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. Psalm 62: 1-2
Thank you, Jesus for being my stronghold. I stand on a solid rock with you.
The promise for today is: I will always be close when you need comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Today is going to be a great day. Christ is always close and waits to hear from you.
Love is in the ink.
Mary Kay
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