Sunday, September 24, 2017

September 24, 2017


God called me out of bed early so I wouldn't miss my time with Him.  He shows His amazing love to me each day and I am so grateful.  I also fell into bed early last night and had peace in my rest.  I am a very sound sleeper.  John is very restless since his heart attack.  All that medicine gives him nightmares and lots of groaning and moaning.  If he needs me I am up, otherwise I sleep sound.  I depend completely on God to be my alarm clock.

The word for today is: Endures

According to the Oxford Pocket American Dictionary the word "Endure" means to undergo or  tolerate.  Life is full of events and daily endurance.  Thinking back to the shepherd and sheep and all the elements they endured.  Storms, excessive heat, wild animals and emotional struggles. God never left them.  He provided the strength and courage they needed to endure.  All victory belongs to Him.  
Isaiah 40:8 is the verse of reference.  Let's travel out in the pasture and apply this verse.  

The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the LORD blows on them.  Surly the people are grass.  Isaiah 40:8 

God's word endures forever and HIS  promises of truth can not be changed.  Shepherds didn't carry books or a cell phone.   They fully trusted the Greatest Shepherd.  David was a man after God's own heart because he spent time in the pasture with him. The sheep had perfect rest and trust because of their relationship with the shepherd.  What an amazing pasture story. 

The promise for today is: I will not reject the sacrifice of a broken spirit and a contrite heart.  
                                                                                               Psalm 51:17

I have a lot of catching up to do with my relationship with Christ, because it isn't where I want it to be.

Dear Father, God.  Thank you for your written word and loving me beyond a description, I can't 
wrap my head around it all the time.   Forgive me for all the times, I knew better.  Bless this day and use me to glorify your kingdom.  Love, Mary Kay

Bless my readers, friends, family and enemies.  Bless America, Father and mend the division brought in my evil.  Love on us and open our eyes and heart.  

Love is in the ink.  
Mary Kay

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