The day went by so fast. It continues to rain. It is a soft and gentle rain. The kind you just want to sit and watch. The sun peaked through a couple times today, but quickly gave into the showers.
Today is my daughter's birthday. She is 51 years old. It made me sad all day to know our relationship is so broken. I can only guess she didn't get her package or didn't want to get it. God knows the joy, I had purchasing it and sending it. I didn't expect a thank you because this not something she practices. I always say, I am done but then give myself a little guilt trip and go ahead and buy her something. I can only imagine what is going on with her. I depend on God to take care of my children and grandchildren. I have several friends that have issues like this with adult children. They live in hurt also. I know what I did wrong. I gave my grandson a verbal warning not to do something and he disrespected me over and over. When I shared that issue, my son n law said, he would never bring him here again and he hasn't. That was 12 years ago. They have a history of Hatfield and McCoy behavior. I can never figure out if I am the Hatfield or McCoy. I pray daily for healing and restoration. Please feel free to pray, for my daughter Julie and her family.
The pasture is full of stories. I just own some of them. My great Shepherd is always near and assures me I have no wants. The valley of death is near, but I do not fear.
The word for today is Authority and it is referenced to Luke 9: 1-2. Authority according to Merriam-Webster is a power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior. The verse follows:
When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.
Luke 9: 1-2
According to the word Jesus had an amazing use of power and authority and still does. I have always known that He has given me gifts that I don't use and using His authority is one of them. My pasture prayer today is to use that power in my life.
The promise for today is:
I will soon crush the evil one under your feet. Romans 16:20
What a great promise that is. I thank Him and glorify His word.
Thank you for reading about me and my life in the pasture. Life may have hurt and have pain, but the Shepherd is always near.
Love is in the ink.
Love, Mary Kay
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