Good Morning!
It is going to be a great day! Life is good! The presence of God is here. John gets up every morning around 6 am to take his medicine. He takes a lot of it. He eats a little bit and goes back to bed. I plan to crawl back under the covers with him shortly. Joey has came and went. The day is rolling along.
David must of loved the early mornings. After sleeping on the ground and protecting his sheep all night he probably took a second sleep. Maybe he propped himself up on a tree and nodded off. The sheep knew that the pasture would fill their breakfast needs. I wonder if David ate berries or started a fire? Did he stir the fire from the night before and fix some water for tea or coffee? Don't forget he knew them by name and they knew him. Just like Christ knows our names and calls us. So many wonderful questions to save for heaven. The presence of God was with him. He had nothing to fear.
The word for today is Shalom/Peace
Shalom is used by the Jews (mostly) as a salutation for greeting or parting. The Hebrew translation means complete peace. Not long ago, I took a Bible study on the names of God. Shalom was one of the names. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Just saying the word brings peace to me. What an awesome God, I serve.
1 Peter 4:13 is not the verse I thought fit this study. I decided on John 14:27 instead. Jesus speaks!
Shalom, I leave with you. My Shalom, I give to you; not as the world gives, give I to you. Don't let your heart be troubled neither let it be fearful. John 14:27
I can hear His gentle voice speak.
The promise for today is: I will give you a peaceful sleep surrounded by safety. Psalm 4:8
I have had several people lie to me lately. Why do that do that? Several of the workshops, John and I took at the Children's Home taught us how to spot a liar. Do they not know the truth of God will set them free, if only they trust and obey. Our society needs some lessons on truth and the rewards of it. I will forgive, but God will have to help me forget.
It is time to go. I have dishes to do and counters to clean up.
May the Lord bless you with is perfect peace tonight.
Love is in the ink.
Mary Kay
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