The stars are still out. The moon must be hiding because it is very dark outside. The coffee is perking and the dishes are soaking. John has been having a love affair with the leftover meat loaf. He leaves a rabbit trail of evidence on the counter and in the sink. I used to get on him about the mess, but he has been so sick and I am so thankful he is doing better that I just look the other way.
Thank you for stopping in and viewing my blog. According to the stats, 68 people viewed the blog yesterday. Several of you called to give me a verbal response and I am so thankful. Hopefully, I have all the setting right now. I am not as into the computer like I have been in the past. My future book is coming along, but now I know why it takes some writers years to finish it. This winter, it is my goal to nail several more chapters down. When, I am not writing, I am researching other authors, styles and taking notes. A couple of days a week, I try to devote to washing, cleaning and taking care of John's appointments.
Remember when, I told you, I loved working with a list. This is a list of 31 words from a site I found that has blessed me by: Arabah Joy. I see each word as a prompt for a new story or maybe an old story. I will start today looking each one up and making notes. I can hardly wait to get started. I am sure each one relates to sheep or pasture life. The Bible connects each verse with an application for life. I will share one or two each day. I also want to take more photos of my every day life. Fischer, Texas is a blessing of beauty to me in every way.
1. Meditate Psalm 119:15-16
2. Righteousness Proverbs 21:21
3. Shalom/peace I Peter 4:13
4. Submit Job 22:21
5. Endures Isaiah 40:8
6. Stronghold Psalm 62:1-2
7. Perfected II Corinthians 12:9
8. Humble I Peter 5:6
9. Authority Luke 9:1-2
10. Treasured Luke 2:19
11. Hope Psalm 42:5
12. Protect Psalm 91:11
13. Rejoice I Peter 4:13
14. Blessed Ephesians 1:3
15. Futile I Samuel 12:21
16. Fulfillment Luke 1:45
17. Delight II Corinthians 12:9-10
18. Dignity Proverbs 31:25
19. Harmony Romans 12:15
20. Might Zechariah 4:6
21. Hiding Place Psalm 32:7
22. Enriched II Corinthians 9:11
23. Power Colossians 1:29
24. Complete Colossians 2:10
25. Grace Titus 2:11
26. Give Luke 6:38
27. Consider Romans 6:11
28. Justifies Romans 4:5
29. Love John 3:16
30. Press On Philippians 3:14
31. Forgive Matthew 6:14-1
The following is how, I do a search study on words. It is brief but plants the word into my heart.
1. Meditate- Psalm 119:15-16
Meditate means to engage in contemplation or reflection according to the Merriam-Webster.The shepherds ,no doubt had lots of time to meditate. Learning new songs to play on the harp or sing to the sheep. Prayer is my form of meditating.
Psalm 119: 15-16 reads like this from the English Standard Version: I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.
What a wonderful word to start this day.
Now for two photos and I will stop the flow of ink. This is my family prayer line. I change it out with the seasons. It is hard to see, but each leaf is a reminder to pray for my children, grandchildren and now spouses. It has been a blessing to me, as I know God loves and protects them each day. I have to work on some matching cloths pins now.
The promise for the day is:
If you help the poor, your light will shine like the dawn. Isaiah 58: 7-8
Be blessed today and enjoy the beauty of what God has given you.
Love is in the ink.
Mary Kay
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