Sleeping last night with the perfect peace of God. I went to bed early and that might be the secret. I remember when I wanted to sleep all day and stay up all night. I have been dreaming about my mother. Sweet little times we spent together. I never use to dream so dreams have become very important to me. My mother is in many of my dreams lately. I miss her.
My mother's last few years were spent in the nursing home. She had major trouble walking and she fell often. God used that time for me to spend some quality time with her. I would drive on my day off to see mother. My sister took care of her needs but not the same way, I did. I would take mother in her wheel chair to the local café for lunch or bring her something special to share with her. I loved to shop with mother in mind. My sister had a list of forbidden things for mother. No candy was one of them. I would sneak that into mother's room. I also called mother often. Mother was a source of love, I needed. I still need that love. I will forever love my mother and miss her. She is in the heavenly pasture now.
I have a favorite drive that I take that reminds me of sheep grazing land. God speaks to me sometimes on that ride. It is a beautiful valley with hills and ridges. I believe at one time sheep did graze in that area. The trails are still visible. One time I listed all the words that I could think of that described that beauty. It has a beautiful pasture off in a distance. Lots of rocks and winding paths that look little bit dangerous, can be seen with the naked eye. Someday, I would just like to stop and set up my creative art side and dream. I use to draw and paint and that would be a great view to capture. God did some amazing work around my area of life. The colors and shapes are outstanding. I am so thankful for eyes that see His beauty.
Last summer, I bought my friend and I a little insulated lunch sack. Mine is black and white check. I remember years ago, taking a picnic for a day trip. I long for those days. Especially since my stomach can't always take the food prepared in restaurants. I am trying to learn to eat smaller portions. I love that little lunch sack. A couple weeks ago, the Bible study ladies had lunch during the study. I filled that little sack with individual wrapped little egg salad sandwiches. I I like the little snack size bread or Hawaiian rolls. It was a great way to bring the sandwiches. I think I will do that again, but maybe ham and cheese this time. When my acid reflex takes over, I think about that little lunch sack with a bottle of tums and a water inside. :) I think about times of long ago and as of today, I will refer to them as the pasture of long ago. If I had lots of extra money, I would buy lots of little sacks, fill them with a sweet lunch and take them to the flood victims at the coast. My God is all powerful and that could still happen.
Rambling on enough. It is time to get out of this pasture and on with the plans of the day. I have work to accomplish. Take time to enjoy the pasture of your life. Breathe in the beauty of God. I pray the Creator and Maker of All will bless your day.
The promise for the day is: I have called you to inherit My blessing. 1 Peter 3:9
Love is in the ink.
Mary Kay
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