Sunday, September 17, 2017

September 17, 2017


Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have
against one another.  Forgive as the Lord  forgave you. 
Colossians 3:13
This verse reminds me of my never ending work;  I need to accomplish this, not only myself,  but for my Great Shepherd.  As I graze here in this beautiful pasture of life, I am reminded.  I have a ton of excuse why it is so hard for me to forgive others. Old hurts fester from time to time.   But, I know that with God on my side...nothing is impossible. Writing has helped  me to see myself better. I am not where I need to be yet.  As I graze on His word, I understand more each day.  I have no wants!  He is my Shepherd. 
Today is His day!  I love being with His people.  They have become my people and family.  A place to love and be loved. 
Reminder:  Pray for John.  His blood pressure has spiked.  His heart doctor changed the dose of one of his meds and that could be the cause. I am going to encourage him to start walking again.  Now that the weather is cooling down, he could benefit from a good walk.  He enjoys those walks.  Poor guy has struggled since his heart attack.  I am going to invite myself to walk with him.  Aging always needs constant attention. 
About Joey's girlfriend.  She is beautiful,  kind and loving.  She loves to text and sends me the sweetest messages.  I am not a big fan of texting, but I am determined to enter this generation with love and respect.  She is so good for Joey.  She knows the Shepherd and has set wonderful boundaries for herself.  She gives Joey purpose and determination to live life to its fullest.  Her mother and step dad live in Wimberley and she has two older sisters.  Kelly has a 16 year old son. He lives with his grandparents on his father's side.  He is tall like his mother.  Kelly works for a Chiropractic Wellness doctor. Kelly has a heart for the hurting, stray animals and helping others.  We have had some wonderful porch talks.  I love Kelly! 

The promise for today is:  I carry your burdens every day.  Psalm 68:19
Yesterday, I found this index card from way back when.  It is aged and been  handled often. 

I am asking God to burn it into my soul, so I do not forget. I need to keep it in front of me. 

Grazing is making me chubby.  I need the still cool water.

It is time to take a little nap on the sofa, so I can be rested for the day. Thank you for stopping by letting me share my thoughts in ink.  May God richly bless you today. 

Love is in the ink. 
Mary Kay

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