Tuesday, April 14, 2020

April 14, 2020

Good Morning!

The sun is shining through the window. Pray the air will warm up.
This is my favorite time of the day. The house is quiet and the coffee is warm.  I am still grounded! That is what my son says. The virus is starting to take its toll on people. I love staying home and always have little projects to accomplish.

The grocery list for my daughter is ready. We are reconnecting after a long season of a distant relationship.  God is good and used the virus for good in the time of great stress.  My son-n- law has been very ill.  Their only grocery store burned to the ground and they are in the midst of planning a wedding. She ordered groceries on line and was given a week long wait without many of the items. Her brother, Joey works at a grocery store just down the road from us.  He will take the list and purchased what he thinks she might like.  We meet her half way and blessed her with the groceries.  She wanted to pay me, but I told her, our love was not for sale.  We will do it again to help them out.  This time it is mostly can goods and a few surprises.  My heart is overjoyed to help her. I serve a Mighty God!
My son, Joey is a meat cutter.  He has taken great care of us.  I love my children.
I have so much to share about God's Amazing Grace!  He is the Miracle Maker!

"And he took the bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, 'This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.' 
                                               Luke 22:19 NIV
Jesus was always sharing!

Have a beautiful day!  Pray for the sick and broken.  Praise Him and thank him for all he does.
My ink flows with love.
Mary Kay

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