Friday, February 2, 2018

Bring Back Christmas!

Greetings from the Great State of Texas! 

The presence of God fills the kitchen, my heart and prayers this morning.  Another wonderful day is about to be delivered.  29 days until Spring!  Yippie! 

What happened to families?  A break down has taken over the wonderful memories of yesterday that made me  smile,  pour out a overflow of thanksgiving and look forward to the next one.  Someone, agreed to no gifts.  Was that me?  Christmas is about giving and gifts.  A cap on spending is great or even the encouragement to a homemade Christmas.  Nothing under the tree is not what Christmas is about.  My memories are wrapped in new pajamas, cookies, and the smell of turkey.  Family has broken down to mere crumbs.  What about thank you notes?  Will you allow that to be a lost art?  As you can tell, I have been thinking about family and lost traditions that cause a brokenness. Lord, help me do my part of putting my family back together.  Make families great again! 

 Not long ago, at a writers group we were asked to share our creative talents with each other  I am in  love  with my gifts and look at them often.  I thought, I would share a couple of them with you today.  They are truly love gifts.  The first photo is a little painting and a verse picked out especially for me.  I love the creations and the creators.  The second photo is some tags, I made for Valentines.  I have them in a bowl waiting to be given away. I pray they will bless the receivers.  The third gift is a framed page from an old Bible with added art and creativity.  I love that verse.  The little block of cedar was created by my husband. He has made hundreds of the them the last couple Christmas's.  The little hole is just the right size for a twig of rosemary and looks like a little Christmas tree when a red bow and a star is added.  After Christmas, John adds the wire to hold a note or a Bible verse.  The last photo is a closer look at the tag, I made.  Maybe it can be used a book mark or just a little reminder of the love, I have for that person.  Little gifts with great love.  Please Lord, bring back Christmas and let it start with me.  I am sorry they are not the greatest photos, but I am sure you can see the love. 

I continue to think and pray about loving the way Jesus loves.  Fill me with that love, Jesus and let me pour it out on others.  Thank you in advance. 

The promise for today is:  All My plans will be fulfilled for I know the end from the beginning.  
                                                                                      Isaiah  46:10

May you receive a belated Christmas gift today or maybe decided to give one to someone you love.  
Giving to others pleases God.  Don't forget to give to yourself too.  

Love like Jesus does today.  Love is in the ink!  

Love, Mary Kay

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