Good Morning!
The sun is trying to peak out. The air is cold. Asking God not to delay the sunshine and warm air. I am dreaming about Spring. It seems like a long long winter this year. I must say, I am content to stay home and bundle up, take a nap on the sofa, and enjoy my own things. I love our front porch. The view is lovely and I get to see my neighbors and it is a perfect place to give thanks to my Lord and Savior. The electric bill doubled and I don't like that either. God is faithful and always provides.
Genesis study continues. This morning, the story of Jacob and Esau left me with this. Esau showed no interest in God's covenant blessings. Jacob desired the spiritual blessings. Jacob received the promises rather than Esau. This should be a lesson for us all. Seek God and you will find Him. Obey him and find the blessings he has for you. I have my heart wrapped around that story and lesson. I see it in my life and many around me. I have been praying non stop for those that have not chosen the blessings. I am so thankful, I found Christ and his many blessings.
I read a book by Jen Hatmaker a year or so ago. She is a young author that lives in Buda, Texas. Many things I do not agree with, but many of her words stay with me and have blessed me. She wrote about how some people just don't know how to be your friend. I have a few people I know like that. The harder, I try the more I can see it that some friendships are not meant to be and it is time to move on. That does not mean...........stop praying for them. Than she shared about friendship like the elephants. Did you know that when an elephant gets ready to give birth her friends circle around her to give her privacy, protection from the enemies and support? I put my own words to that story. Many times pain and discomfort come before the joy and blessing. A friend is a friend forever. Circle them up with love, protection, encouragement and love. I love Jen Hatmaker. I hope to meet her some day and enjoy coffee with her.
The promise for today is: I will not withhold anything good from those with an upright heart.
Psalm 84:11
Many of my friends have the upright hearts. I pray other see that in me. If you need or want God is your life, seek Him and you will find him. He is not mad at you. He is mad about you.
Going to start setting up a bullet journal to go along with my one on one with God journal. A few days ago, I promised you a quick look at my little journals. I have not forgotten. Tomorrow for sure.
If you need prayer contact me and I would be honored to pray for you and your needs.
Love is in the ink!
Love, Mary Kay
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