Monday, October 23, 2017

Answered Prayer!


For years, I have prayed for my children.  Today, Joey shared with me that he is no longer in the wilderness.  He is free!  He has been struggling with some issues and attacked by the devil often.  Today, he walked out of that pit.  He went to church with me yesterday and on the way home he was quiet.  Just before he left our house he told me he raised his hand.  The preacher's son preached for his dad and only had a few hours notice. He is the youth pastor at Genesis Ministries and he spoke on getting yourself rooted in Christ.  Several times he mentioned he was preaching to someone special.   That someone was my son, Joey.  It was a powerful word from Luke 4:1-13.  At the end of the message, he asked everyone to close their eyes and only the ones that wanted to walk out of the wilderness to raise their hand.  I am one happy mommy, tonight.  Joey told me "I saw the light today!"  I suggested every time the devil tempted him to say, "I have victory in Jesus and you no longer have a hold of me."   The name of Jesus is so powerful.  Now I have to wait for Jesus to bring my daughter and grandchildren back to HIM.  I want to walk in pure joy of answered prayer.  

Planning to turn my house into a War Room.  I want to be Miss Clara.  

One night several months ago, I had a dream.  It was Jesus standing on a cliff looking over a beautiful valley.  He called me by name to come and stand with Him.  When I stood next to Him, he asked that I stand closer.  I didn't see His face but he was so big and bright.  He wanted me to look down in the valley, because the Prodigals were coming home.  I noticed people climbing up the mountain towards Him.  I asked where my Prodigals were.  He said, "It isn't  time.  They are not ready yet." Then He gathered my tears in a bottle and told me, "I love you!"  I did a study on the word Prodigal and it means to lavish blessings and love on someone.  That is what God does.  He lavishes us with His perfect love and favor.  All the time, I thought is meant a rebellious child that was lost.  

Today, a friend of mine came to help me start putting the kitchen back in order.  She cleaned cupboards and put down new shelf paper.  They look wonderful and she organized them so beautifully.  Tomorrow, I am going to work on the lower cupboards and hopefully in the next day or so, start painting the trim.  I wanted a nice clean kitchen and it has a wonderful start.  She has two jobs, but will come when she can to help with other projects.  I feel so blessed.  

I serve a Mighty God and He wants you to stand close to Him too.  It is the greatest joy you will ever find.  

This has been an amazing day.  
The promise for today is:  I have given you My Spirit, so your body could be My temple.  
                                                                          1 Corinthians 6:19

That a wonderful promise.  

Thank you for being part of my journey of life with Christ.  I am blessed and my desire is to have God bless you.  

Love is in the ink.  
Mary Kay

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