Good Evening!
The days are going by fast. Fall is on the way. I can hardly wait for that sweater weather.
Friends! This is my friend, Jeanie and I; promised to share with you about our friendship.
Jeanie and I became friends in 7th grade. Our sisters were friends and that made us instant friends. Jeanie went to Catholic school and I went to a one room school. In 8th grade I moved into public school in town and then the bond took a deeper meaning when we both went to high school together.
Jeanie was my dream come true friend. She had everything I wanted. Her personality was bubbly and her beauty caught the eye of many young man. Who wouldn't want a friend that attracted the boys?
She lived in a two story Victorian house on the corner close to the downtown part of Delavan, Wisconsin. Her dad was the mayor and her mother was quiet and always in the kitchen. Her bedroom was upstairs and she didn't have to share it with anyone. My bedroom was like a shoebox that I shared with sister and sometimes everyone else's junk. My bedroom had two windows, but Jeanie had windows like that in a castle. The staircase going up stairs had a little curve in it. The railing and steps were a dark wood. I use to close my eyes and dream about coming down that stair case the day Jeanie got married. Maybe, I was praying her husband had a best man that liked me. I never thought about riding the banister down, but now that I am older, I do. I can still visualize walking in her house and each room on that floor. The door stairs at Jeanie's was bigger then my whole house. He mother was always friendly and her dad had a chair in the front room where he read the paper. He always asked about my mother and dad.
We use to go the Lake Lawn Teen Dances. They were held in the ball room on the lake. It was a dress up night with a live band and lots of teens from all over southern Wisconsin The lights were low and the little lights twinkled. We always picked a table close to the band. A Cinderella version but in the late 50's. I will never forget a pink check dress, Jeanie wore with a little bit of cotton lace around the sleeves and neckline. I don't remember what I wore. Probably something my sister let me wear or didn't want anymore. Dad always made a big nasty deal about me going to that dance. He never wanted me to have fun. I was doomed for the kitchen sink full of dirty dishes and a book. He would take me to Jeanie's house but he always picked me up out front of the dance at the same time. He always made sure all my friends saw him.
We had a great time in high school. Laughing, planning and getting into a little mischief. When Jeanie was old enough to drive her dad bought her an old chevy coupe. It was grey and would be now considered a classic. We smoked in that car! I never had any money, so I imagine Jeanie shared one of hers with me. My father did not want me to leave the school grounds but I often sat in the back seat or the back booth at the little diner. Just in case my dad came in. My friends all watched out for me and would warn me if dad came checking up on me. Why was he so mean?
I had a nervous breakdown in high school. Jeanie supported me during and after that time. She was more supportive than my own family. That is another story. I have written about it and I am always willing to share the ink. My family has used that time in my life against me. God used it to his glory. Jeanie and I have talked about that time several times and it always feels good to find a safe space to share. She knew life was not easy for me.
Jeanie and I stayed friends all during high school. She went off to Milwaukee to be a hair dresser. I wanted to go to Layton School of Arts but my dad said, "NO!" and I would stay behind living the life, dad wanted for me. I missed Jeanie!
When Jeanie returned to our little hometown, she married the manager of the theater and lived up stairs over the theater. She had a little baby boy! I married and took being a wife and mother of two very serious. I also worked a couple of jobs and Jeanie became a hair dresser and worked at a salon next to the movie theater. We didn't see each other as much, but I always knew we were friends for life. She was busy and I was busy.
Jeanie's husband had cancer and her marriage fell apart. He died and left her to raise her son alone. I wasn't there to help Jeanie and I will forever be sorry for that. I look back and it was time we needed each other to laugh and reconnect. I never forgot the good times and I don't think Jeanie did either. I was unaware that she drank to mask her struggles and disappointments with life. Days and months turned into years and we started to lose contact. I never lost the memories and thoughts of my friend, Jeanie.
In 1981, I moved to Texas. Our sisters kept in touch at Christmas and an occasional phone call. One day in the 1990's, my sister, shared that Jeanie was struggling with life and her sister wanted me to call her. That was the call that changed our friendship forever. She was so happy to hear from me and I her. I committed to call her once a week to just chat. If I remember right, it was on Sundays and after 7 when the rates were lower. I loved the little chat we had. She kept me informed on old classmates and events from the hometown. Her dad died, and her mother moved in with her. She didn't always see life like her sister saw it but neither did my sister and I. Jeanie and I both took Jesus as our Lord and Savior. She became involved in AA and I took up my love for art and going to school. We shared so many things and our friendship once again started to flourish. We had so many things to catch up on.
As the years went by our friendship picked up the piece and we grew old and the memories became even more precious. Now we pray over the phone. Talk on the phone more than once a week and lean on each other for advice and counsel. God has been very good to both of us. We look forward to her visits to Texas and talking about the good old days. This is a very brief summary of a very long and precious friendship. I know the minute the ink stops flowing, I will think of many other things to share. I will keep this on file and add to it often.
Thank you for letting me share the ink about my friend, Jeanie. I am blessed.
I will have to come back and proof read this. Sorry, I didn't do the promise for today or 5 more items from my I AM list. To be continued!
Love is in the ink.
Mary Kay
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