I am back on track. My sweet little lap top was in need of some internal cleaning. I have a virus control on this computer but not from the internet. I will no longer subject her to that nasty old world of computer demons and only use her to share my ink. Since, I don't go to school anymore, I am not up on things like I use to be. I asked the tech abut my phone and he said that was safe. The plan is to use my phone for internet searching and this little girl only for blogging and writing.
It was a wonderful morning running around. I went to the Walmart to purchase a birthday gift. Something, I saw a week ago and it would not leave my thinking. Then to the Dollar Tree for a couple of things for another project and on to 5 Below, for some little add on (s) for my junk journals and right on time to pick up the lap top. John stayed home, so I was able to zig and zag.
This has been an amazing week as I heard from God several times and I am humbled and honored at His words for me. I have been given a great gift in the first verse of Psalm 23. He is my shepherd and I shall not want. It has burned into my soul and what a faith builder. Today, I have been thinking about the "Pasture" and what a beautiful place of rest that is. I will continue to think, pray and allow the ink to flow in that direction.
The next (and final) five I AM'S follow:
36. A Laborer Together with God (1 Corinthians 5:21)
37. The Righteousness of God in Christ (11Corinthians5:21)
38. An Imitator of Jesus (Ephesians 5:1)
39. The Light of the World (Matthew 5:14)
40. Blessings the Lord at All Times and Continually Praising the Lord with My Mouth
(Psalm 34:1)
It is a great list and one I attempt to follow.
The promise for the day is: I will be the voice behind you guiding you in the way to go.
Isaiah 30: 21
Pizza bread and a salad for supper. It is time to put it together.
Thank you for logging on to my ink. I pray blessings over each one of you.
Love is in the ink.
Mary Kay
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