Sunday, November 5, 2017


Sad day in Texas!

Corruption has showed it's ugly face today in a little church south of San Antonio, Texas.  Don't say, take the guns!  The killer was shot and I for one am glad someone had a gun, to take the gunman down.  I was just asking yesterday if a little church down the road had a plan for attack?  I am more aware of what is around me lately.  John and I had training to watch for terror.  My thoughts go immediately to Obama and Hillary and the corrupt government they put together.  Look no farther than Benghazi.  They are so corrupt.  Now we have people that fear for their lives from both of these crooks. According to the media, Obama is the organizer of the Antifa.  The FBI and justice system is so evil.  I am asking those that voted for these criminals to repent.  Get out of that liberal party.  Conservatives are not perfect but most still have values and morals. Trump works on making my country safe and liberals fight him against everything.  You either want America great or you don't.  Repent and seek God for an answer and get your plan of action from HIM.  I am tired of walking around people that voted for corruption.  I am for sending all those that don't belong here back, the wall, stronger vetting at the airport, and a much stronger justice system.  I am sick of all the criminals Obama let out of prison to make himself look great.  It has made him look weak.  He needs to be deported.  I could go on and on but some of you still have to figure this out for yourselves.  Take up the cross and spend some time in the word.

Coughing is still happening for me.  I will try and get an appointment for tomorrow or Tuesday.  I hear this crud just wants to hang on.  I am sick of it.  I didn't go to church, because I didn't want to cough and cough during the service.  I miss going to church.  This is the second week, I have missed.  I love my friends and the message at each service.  Maybe next week for sure.

Tomorrow morning, John has a doctor's appointment (the last one) with the surgeon that put his new vein in his leg.   We have been wanting to go shopping but I still don't have the strength for that  It has been a year since that massive heart attack.  It turned our lives upside down.  I have spent more time praying and waiting on John than I ever thought possible.  I am thankful for friends and neighbors that have shown great love and concern.

The word for today is Repent and the verse reference is Jeremiah 5;3.
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary says to turn from sin and dedicate  oneself to the amendment of one's life,  To feel regret, contrition or to change one's mind.  My meaning is to ask God for forgiveness for doing wrong.
Lord, do not your eyes look for truth?  You struck them, but they felt no pain;  you crushed them, but they refused correction.  they made their faces harder than  stone and refuse to repent. 
                                                                              Jeremiah 5:3 

Please,  Lord bless us and show favor to your people.  May evil be destroyed and love and peace fill hearts and lives in America.  Bless President Trump and his people that are uncovering the evil that roams around us.

The promise for today is: The Spirit of life in Christ has set you free from sin and death.  
                                                            Romans 8:2

Love is in the ink!
Mary Kay

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